Top Technology Trends of 2013

Gartner highlighted the top 10 technologies and trends that will be strategic for most organizations 2013. These technologies impact the organization’s long-term plans, programmes and initiatives.

1) Mobile device battles
By 2013 mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common web access device worldwide and that by 2015 over 80 per cent of the handsets sold in mature markets will be smartphones, only 20 per cent of which are likely to be Windows phones. It is expected that by 2015 tablet shipments will reach around 50 per cent of laptop shipments and Windows 8 will likely be in third place behind Google’s Android and Apple iOS operating systems. Enterprises will need to support a greater variety of form factors reducing the ability to standardise PC and tablet hardware. The implications for IT is that the era of PC dominance with Windows as the single platform will replaced with a post-PC era where Windows is just one of a variety of environments IT will need to support.

2) Mobile applications and HTML5
The market for tools to create consumer and enterprise facing apps is complex with well over 100 potential tools vendors. For the next few years, no single tool will be optimal for all types of mobile application so expect employ several. Six mobile architectures – native, special, hybrid, HTML 5, Message and No Client will remain popular. However, there will be a long term shift away from native apps to Web apps as HTML5 becomes more capable.

3) Personal Cloud
The personal cloud will gradually replace the PC. The personal cloud will entail the unique collection of services, web destinations and connectivity that will become the home of their computing and communication activities. Users will see it as a portable, always-available place where they go for all their digital needs. In this world no one platform, form factor, technology or vendor will dominate and managed diversity and mobile device management will be an imperative. The personal cloud shifts the focus from the client device to cloud-based services delivered across devices.

4) Enterprise app stores
Enterprises face a complex app store future as some vendors will limit their stores to specific devices and types of apps forcing the enterprise to deal with multiple stores, multiple payment processes and multiple sets of licensing terms. By 2014, it is expected that many organizations will deliver mobile applications to workers through private application stores. With enterprise app stores the role of IT shifts from that of a centralized planne to a market manager providing governance and brokerage services to users and potentially an ecosystem to support apptrepreneurs.

5) The Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that describes how the internet will expand as consumer devices and physical assets are connected to the internet. Key elements of the IoT which are being embedded in a variety of mobile devices include embedded sensors, image recognition technologies and

NFC payment. As a result, mobile no longer refers only to use of cellular handsets or tablets

6) Hybrid IT and cloud computing
A recently conducted survey revealed that the internal cloud services brokerage (CSB) role is emerging as IT organizations realize that they have a responsibility to help improve the provisioning and consumption o inherently distributed, heterogeneous and often complex cloud services for their internal users and external business partners. The internal CSB role represents a means for the IT organization to retain and build influenc inside its organization and to become a value center in the face of challenging new requirements relative to increasing adoption of cloud as an approach to IT consumption.

7) Big Data
Big Data is moving from a focus on individual projects to an influence on enterprises’ strategic information architecture. Dealing with data volume, variety, velocity and complexity is forcing changes to many traditional approaches. This realization is leading organizations to abandon the concept of a single enterprise data warehouse, instead they are moving towards multiple systems, including content management, data warehouses, data marts and specialized file systems tied together with data services and metadata, which will become the “logical” enterprise data warehouse.

8) Analytics
With the improvement of performance and costs, IT leaders can afford to perform analytics and simulation for every action taken in the business. The mobile client linked to cloud-based analytic engines and big data repositories potentially enables use of optimization and simulation everywhere and every time.

9) In memory computing
In memory computing (IMC) can also provide transformational opportunities. The execution of certain-types of hours-long batch processes can be squeezed into minutes or even seconds allowing these processes to be provided in the form of real-time or near real-time services that can be delivered to internal or external users in the form of cloud services. The possibility of concurrently running transactional and analytical applications against the same dataset opens unexplored possibilities for business innovation. Numerous vendors will deliver in-memory-based solutions over the next two years driving this approach into mainstream use.

10) Integrated ecosystems
The market is undergoing a shift to more integrated systems and ecosystems and away from loosely coupled heterogeneous approaches. Appliances combine hardware and software and software and services are packaged to address and infrastructure or application workload. Cloud-based marketplaces and brokerages facilitate purchase, consumption and/or use of capabilities from multiple vendors and may provide a foundation for ISV development and application runtime.

In the mobile world, vendors including Apple, Google and Microsoft drive varying degrees of control across and end-to-end ecosystem extending the client through the apps.

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